Systems Trading Multiple Strategies To Actively Manage Your Investments

May 22, 2020

Yesterday I talked about using an adaptive position sizing algorithms matched with the SQN of each individual asset, stuff we will be going deep on in the Trading Lab, And to say this sparked a number of questions, is an understatement. 

I know a lot of you are interested in that sort of information and I'm working on delivering some deeper info there for you, but it'll be a few days. 

Another interesting question I was asked was about trading multiple strategies or go all in on one. 

This is a question that gets asked a lot.

The best I can offer is what I do.

I run three main strategies. 

The Global Macro ETF Long Term strategy. 

This trades ETF's of countries, commodities, indices, interest rates and other Macro assets. Each asset within the universe has been backtested using the techniques that I teach in the Systems Mastery Course. Average winning trade stays in a position for over two years and the average losing trade exits before the first year is up, usually. But the real kicker of this strategy is the dividends that this thing kicks off. With over 25 years of data, this strategy has yet to have a 20% drawdown and even when a losing trade gets stopped out, the dividends pay you to wait. 

The Equity Earnings Strategy

This is a very tactical strategy only entering the market for about 2 weeks during 3/4 earnings seasons per year. The average hold time is 1-5 trading days and the returns are 10-15 each quarter. This strategy averaged 40-60% returns each year with 6-8 total weeks of work. Usually (not this earnings season however, but just you wait!) 3 to 4 of 11 S&P 500 sectors fall within the parameters, and we can get over 20 trades within this narrow 2 week trading window. What I love about it is that it only requires 2 weeks of work per quarter and the rest of the time I can work on other things. We are currently working on coding up a web based solution (vs the Google Sheet we currently use) to fix a number of bugs and make it easier to run.


This is my main strategy and what I use with my prop trading account at MaverickFX. This is an end of day strategy (though it works in all time frames) where I typically get 1-5 trades per week, lasting 3-5 days. This strategy has a 75% win rate where average win trade is +1.4R and average loser is -1.08R. But the real power of this strategy is the adaptive position sizing algorithm on each individual asset. I kick myself every day for not figuring this strategy out 20 years ago when I first started trading, but alas, I was really a lot less intelligent back then...if you can believe that!

All of these strategies were built from the concepts I teach in the Consistently Profitable Trader course and to a further extend in the Systems Mastery Course  I am providing both of them a 50% discount until the end of May to email subscribers only.

These courses teach you HOW to build your own systems. I want you to be empowered with the tools to do this on your own, to build systems that match your own personal beliefs and how you want to live your life. I do include a number of my own systems including the FVBO/VBO strategies as well as a few other so you don't need to come up with your own to get started. You don't need to use my stuff, but it is there as a guide and a tool to measure your own systems against. 

If you'd like to go a lot deeper on these strategies or get information to build your own, join us in the Trading Lab and sign up for our free emails.

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